Cliffi mielovo 300 gr is a pastoncino with eggs and honey, without dyes. Â
Cliffi mielovo 300 gr is a pastoncino with eggs and honey, without dyes. Â
Cliffi soft super 300 gr is a compound food for ornamental granivorous birds.
Sticks are important because they promote optimal nutrients for proper nutrition.
They are important for budgies and birds as well as providing correct nutrition. They induce feeding by detaching the seeds, as in nature.
Complete food for small and large parrots with fruit food for parrots and budgies.
Cliffi pronto color with canthaxanthin and beta-carotene
Cliffi soft super 300 gr is a compound food for ornamental granivorous birds.
Mealworms or mealworms (excellent for feeding birds and small reptiles)
Particularly appetizing moth larvae, the nutritional value is particularly unbalanced towards fats,