Flat head lead shot and smooth funnel caliber 4.5, for rifle or pistol.
Flat head lead shot and smooth funnel caliber 4.5, for rifle or pistol.
The Gamo Pro Magnum offers excellent performance thanks to its level of high penetration and precision.
Lead point shot with knurled funnel, for rifle or air pistol.
Due to the heavier weight and dome configuration,
this ball performs with an exceptional impact, even from a distance
The Red Fire pellet is the latest cutting-edge hunting pellet from Gamo.
Bag of perfectly calibrated airsoft pellets available in various weights
Gamo's Match is a precision shot. A relatively light and flat head that cuts targets cleanly makes this pellet a great choice for shooters who want tight groups.
These perfectly formed rounds of pure lead BBs are heavier than shot and ideal
for those situations that require a lower speed but a high terminal energy.
Ideal for those situations that require a lower speed but a high terminal energy.
Practical bottle for inserting pellets into the magazine.
G-Hammer, extra heavy Spanish diabolo in 5.5mm caliber.
The Gamo Pro Magnum offers excellent performance thanks to its high level of penetration and precision.