Silicone lure composed of a hook joined to a swivel and tied with fibers.
Silicone lure composed of a hook joined to a swivel and tied with fibers.
Silicone lure composed of a hook joined to a swivel and tied with fibers.
Jet Lures - Chromed brass heads with side holes
Excellent baits for trolling for all medium and large pelagics, well known among trainers for their
Replacement crown hooks designed for squid, cuttlefish and octopus
Practical and convenient case for storing and transporting the squid
Jet Lures - Chromed brass heads with side holes
Excellent baits for trolling for all medium and large pelagics, well known among trainers for their
An artificial lure specially designed for long distance casting
The luminescence combined with the vibrations released in the water make this product deadly.
They are built with a reinforced hook and foils that increase their captured power.
High quality streamers assembled in Italy.
High quality streamers assembled in Italy.
Octopus armed individually or in group towed on the surface from 2.5 to 6.5 knots is deadly very attractive.
High quality and very effective jigs perfect for spinning and shore jigging.
Round-shaped coated lead with two hooks, one placed in the upper part and one on the side.
Round-shaped coated lead with two hooks, one placed on the top and one on the side.
They were developed with the use of a special canvas, smooth, silky and therefore appreciated by most cephalopods.
High quality baby octopus that resists stress and bites from predators.
High quality baby octopus that resists stress and bites from predators.
Artificial designed for squid trolling techniques.
Artificial designed for squid trolling techniques.
Very well-known and appreciated baits for cuttlefish and squid.
High quality artificial Sutte type, specific for squid fishing,
The AQS TUAREG artificial is a medium-sized floating jerk minnow (13 cm)
with a weight of 20 gr., with a compact body and flattened sides, excellent for casting.
The short and narrow blade gives this lure a regular and irresistible swimming action.
high quality and highly effective baits,
perfect for spinning and shore jigging
 The bait swims and looks like a real squid and will fool even the most apathetic predatory fish.
Artificial Rapala Raglou Hybrid Ragot 85 mm,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou Hybrid Ragot 105 mm,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou Hybrid Ragot 120 mm,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou Hybrid Ragot 140 mm 35gr,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou Hybrid Ragot 140 mm 45gr,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou 3d Ragot 65 mm,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.
Artificial Rapala Raglou 3d Ragot 85 mm,
The new Raglou series introduces a hybrid lure with a bullet head and the classic Raglou body.
It comes in packs of two,
equipped with robust VMC 9255 TI hooks.