Prevention and treatment of fleas in cats and rabbits.
The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) belongs to the Leporidae family, like the hare. In nature, rabbits live in groups, in underground tunnel systems they have dug. The structure and size of this animal vary considerably depending on the breed: it starts, in fact, from the Dutch dwarf rabbit that weighs less than a kilogram and reaches the giant breeds, (such as the Flemish giant), which weigh up to to eight. The digestive system of the rabbit is characterized by a particular physiological feature called cecotrophy, which determines a process of formation and re-ingestion of a particular type of stool, called soft stool. Thanks to this the rabbit, which is a monograstric, is able to "digest by bacterial fermentation" fibrous foods as it happens in polygastric. The rabbit therefore produces two types of feces, the hard, spherical, fibrous and dry feces, made up of undigested material, which are eliminated throughout the day, and the soft feces, which are again ingested, and are issued especially during the early hours of the day.
Instructions for correct use
The Manitoba Bunny is a complete food to be administered in special feeders in quantities corresponding to that consumed on average in 24 hours, depending on the physical activity, the space available, the microclimate and the age of the rabbit. Especially in rabbits forced to poor walking, it is advisable to combine good quality hay with the mixture. Ensure fresh and clean water always available.
Usually, if the bunny is very frightened, he crouches as much as possible on the floor and if you hear him beating with his hind legs on the floor, he sends an alarm signal that anticipates the escape. If the rabbit blows instead announces the attack and it is necessary to pay some attention.On the contrary the rabbit feels at ease, safe and calm you can see him playing alone, jumping and rolling, or in position d absolute rest lying down with legs outstretched.
Composition |
Alfalfa pellets |
Carob |
Favino crushed |
Crushed corn |
White oats |
Crushed pea |
Green pea |
Wheat |
Expanded corn |
Flaked pea |
Banana |
Carrot |
White corn |
Corn |
Grapes |
Sunflower Iregi |
Green extruded |
Orange extruded |
Meadow hay |
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Characteristics: PHYSIOLOGIC CAVIE is the food composed of natural ingredients, studied by experts
in the feeding of exotic animals.
The most widely recommended hay for rabbits and small animals of mature age.
Unique kibbles designed for small mammals, formulated to meet their nutritional needs.
Unique kibbles designed for small mammals, formulated to meet their nutritional needs.
A special blend that helps the immune system and physiological well-being of rabbits.
NUTRIMEAL Junior Dwarf Rabbit Granules are complete granules
Cuni sensitive is an easily digestible food for rabbits .
Unique kibbles designed for small mammals, formulated to meet their nutritional needs.