Prevention and treatment of fleas in cats and rabbits.
Sachets for adult cats in sauce
100% natural pouches in cooking broth , prepared with the best fresh ingredients for an extraordinary taste.
An excellent line prepared with at least 65% meat or fish and formulated without GMOs, soy and gluten .
Completely natural wet food for cats: only fresh ingredients with no additions of any kind. The highest quality ingredients guarantee the Oasy natural specialties an extraordinary taste.
Formulated with selected ingredients, the practical bags of Oasy Specialità Naturali contain a high content of meat and fish to respect the natural diet of the cat. The tasty variations delight the palate of even the most demanding felines. Furthermore, their high palatability is obtained without the addition of artificial colors, preservatives and appetizers.
Complementary feed for pets.
The feed is ready for use and should be served at room temperature. Always leave fresh water available to the animal.
The indicative daily ration for a cat weighing 4kg. is 110 gr. of wet feed and 35 gr. of dry feed. These are reference values that must be adapted to the specific nutritional needs of the animal.
After opening, keep refrigerated and use within 2 days.
70gr sachets.
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Delicious cans in natural sauce and cooking broth.
Mousse ideale anche per felini dal palato più raffinato
The tender Bocconcini in sauce with fresh meat and natural ingredients
The softness of the soufflé combined with the tender heart of the morsels.
Complete foods formulated with fresh meat and natural ingredients
I teneri Bocconcini in salsa di Oasy sono alimenti completi formulati con carne fresca e con ingredienti naturali