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Optimal treatment to quickly and permanently eliminate fleas,
ticks and lice in dogs and cats living together,
when the infestation is already underway.
The first thing to do to correctly use the anti-parasitic Frontline Spray ,
to protect our house dogs and cats, it is to weigh our animal.
The right amount of product varies depending on the weight, in fact 6 to 12 sprays are needed
(100 ml spray) and 2 to 4 sprays for the 250 or 500 ml pack of Frontline Spray .
So let's assume that our dog weighs around 9 kg, so we will need around 50-60 sprays.
if we purchased the 100ml product or 20-25 sprays for the large Front line pack.
Where and how should the product be sprayed? Frontiline should be sprayed against the grain on all areas except the area around the dog's eyes.
Once the Frontline Spray has been sprayed we need to equip ourselves with a rubber glove
and massage the treated areas so that the product is absorbed well.
When spraying, remember to keep the Frontline spray bottle in a vertical position.
and spray the product from a distance of approximately 10-20 cm.
Frontline Spray will protect your pet from lice attacks,
fleas and ticks for a variable period of time depending on the type of animal,
of the season, weight and type of parasite.
This is why it is essential to consult your veterinarian before applying the product.
These tiny, almost invisible insects can make life miserable and
disturb your home with a vicious cycle of biting and itching.
Fleas can also cause flea allergy dermatitis in some
animals and can be carriers of some dangerous diseases.
Where fleas hide
Regardless of the climate outside, the climate inside the house
It is always ideal for maintaining an entire flea population.
Look at the picture below to find out where fleas like to hide in your home:
The life cycle of the flea
Fleas can be a problem for your dog or cat all year round,
but typically the population of this insect explodes about 5-6 weeks after the onset of the warm season.
The eggs
A female flea lays approximately 2000 eggs in her lifetime.
In one day, a single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs.
The eggs do not stick to the animal and can quickly fall to the floor in various parts of the house.
Within 2-5 days, the eggs hatch.
The larvae
After hatching, the larvae head towards dark areas of the house and feed on the feces of adult fleas,
formed from the partially digested blood of the dog or cat on which the adult insects feed.
The larvae grow, molt twice and form a cocoon inside which they transform into pupae.
The dolls
Immature fleas spend about 8-9 days in their cocoon.
During this time, they continue to grow until they become adults, waiting for the signal that it is time to emerge.
The adults
From inside the cocoon, the adult insects sense heat,
vibrations and exhaled carbon dioxide that indicate a host is nearby.
Adult fleas leave the cocoon, climb onto the host, find a mate, and begin the life cycle again.
The entire life cycle can last just 3-4 weeks
They are often too small to be visible but are able to attach themselves to the animal and feed on its blood until they fill up.
They thrive in environments with high humidity and moderate temperatures, but can be found anywhere.
Ticks can carry and transmit diseases, including Lyme disease,
which can cause serious health problems for animals and people.
Life cycle of the tick
The life cycle of a tick can vary from a few months to many years depending on the species of insect and environmental conditions.
The evolution of each life stage requires a blood meal. Some species can survive for years without eating.
The eggs
Female ticks lay their eggs in hidden areas with thick vegetation several centimeters high.
Adult females of some species lay about 100 eggs at a time, others 3,000 to 6,000 per hatch.
Regardless of the species, tick eggs hatch in about two weeks.
The larvae
After hatching, the larvae move into the grass and search for their first blood meal.
If they encounter a person or a dog or cat, they climb onto it in search of a skin area on which to feed.
They may also subsequently abandon the host and return to the environment.
The nymphs
After taking their first blood meal, the larvae evolve into nymphs and begin searching for another host.
Nymphs are small and often go unidentified, increasing the risk of disease transmission.
The adults
After taking a blood meal, the nymph matures and becomes an adult insect.
Adult females feed on the host for 8-12 days.
In some cases, during meals they increase up to 100 times their original weight.
Still on the host, the female mates, then drops to the ground and lays her eggs in a secluded spot, starting a new life cycle.
Although dog and cat infestations are often the result of owners' carelessness,
Some breeds may be more easily attacked by the parasite.
The long, reclining ears provide a favorable environment for the parasite to develop.
while long-haired cats, if not combed frequently and carefully, can host parasites in the deep layers of the fur.
Severe infestations are observed in abandoned or malnourished animals
but they can also be present in subjects debilitated by other diseases.
In some cases, infestations are associated with senility, but most cases are diagnosed in young animals.
Lice often cause intense itching, often causing self-harm in animals with abrasions on the skin and hair loss.
The most important louse affecting dogs is Trichodectes canis while in cats the important one is Felicola subrostratus .
Lice are highly species-specific and therefore a particular species can parasitize not only
a specific host but often, even, only a specific region of its body.
They can be transmitted from a healthy individual to an infected individual through direct or indirect contact,
through carpets, blankets, kennels or the use of infested brushes or combs.
Lice do not survive more than 2-3 days outside the host with a minor risk,
even if present, of pet infestation.
Lice infestations occur in situations of overcrowding and poor general conditions.
or in subjects debilitated by other diseases.
Since winter fur is an ideal habitat for lice, infestation
It occurs mainly in the colder season while the degree of infestation is reduced during the summer heat.
Life cycle
Adult lice live for about a month and during their life they release about 200-300
operculated eggs (nits) of a whitish color, visible to the naked eye on the skin surface of the hosts, attached to the hairs or bristles.
The eggs are still transformed into nymphs on the host, although a true metamorphosis does not occur;
The nymph that hatches is similar to the adult but much smaller in size.
The adult stage is reached after three moults.
The entire cycle from egg to adult occurs in 2-3 weeks.
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Spray solution against parasites of dogs and cats
Optimal treatment for quickly and lastingly eliminating fleas, ticks and lice in cats
is to ensure protection for the environments in which cats live.
Optimal treatment for the quick and lasting elimination of fleas, ticks and lice in dogs and cats.