Mixed mixture and dried fruit for parrots and parakeets.
Mixed mixture and dried fruit for parrots and parakeets.
Blend for canaries T3 platinum with perilla.
Indigenous Manitoba seeds selected (bullfinches and cruises)
Game in wood and cotton for parrots and cockatiels.
Promotes digestion thanks to its properties of forming intestinal mucus.
Big semi-selected parakeets for medium and small size parakeets.
Blend based on wild seeds; to guarantee an excellent shape, better reproduction results and an easier wetsuit
M ange that allows the bird to stand upright and easily get close to food.
The game is also a very important moment for our little birds
Lightweight and resistant plastic swing suitable for any cage
Swing with perch suitable for any cage and all types of birds
Playful: different forms to stimulate the mental activity of the animal.
Our little birds need to play, play and have fun
Bird Scale with Plastic Mirror is a plastic game for birds
The wooden bridge with chain signed by Zolux is the perfect toy for your little birds to play
The rope ladder for birds by Zolux is a fun pastime for birds
This very original suspension game with a heart-shaped mirror
Complete your bird's cage with this game from the Zolux Arabesque line
Decorate your bird's habitat with Zolux's Arabesque line of games
Simplicity, neutral colors and resistant materials
This fantastic Zolux game cannot be missing from its cage
Game in wood and cotton for parrots and cockatiels.
Game in wood and cotton for parrots and cockatiels.
Allows the sharpening of the beak (avoids malformations and injuries to the beak).
A modern design for this new range of birds of the sky
Tropical Big Parrots is a food formulated specifically for parrots
of the Ara genus and for the large species of the Cacatua family.
Range of toys for parrots, in line with Arabesque cages.