Cliffi mielovo 300 gr is a pastoncino with eggs and honey, without dyes.
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Cliffi mielovo 300 gr is a pastoncino with eggs and honey, without dyes.
Cliffi soft super 300 gr is a compound food for ornamental granivorous birds.
Sticks are important because they promote optimal nutrients for proper nutrition.
They are important for budgies and birds as well as providing correct nutrition. They induce feeding by detaching the seeds, as in nature.
Complete food for small and large parrots with fruit food for parrots and budgies.
Blend for canaries T3 platinum with perilla.
Indigenous Manitoba seeds selected (bullfinches and cruises)
Game in wood and cotton for parrots and cockatiels.
Promotes digestion thanks to its properties of forming intestinal mucus.
Big semi-selected parakeets for medium and small size parakeets.
Cliffi pronto color with canthaxanthin and beta-carotene
Blend based on wild seeds; to guarantee an excellent shape, better reproduction results and an easier wetsuit
Parrots Fruit from the Fly Technical line by Raggio di Sole is a professional mix for parrots
medium-large in size with a perfect balance of seeds, extrusions and dehydrated fruit.
M ange that allows the bird to stand upright and easily get close to food.
The game is also a very important moment for our little birds