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The sugar glider is a marsupial native to the oceanic continent and in particular to northeastern Australia, New Guinea, the Bismark Archipelago and Indonesia. Its natural habitat is therefore constituted by the typical eucalyptus forests and by the dense Australian and island woods that make up the archipelagos of the area. Here the gliders find an abundance of food and a favorable climate for their survival. In recent decades, some specimens have also been introduced in Tasmania.
Sugar glider
The sugar glider, or petaurus breviceps, is a small marsupial belonging to the Petauridae family. It is also known as the 'flying squirrel' due to its ability to make long jumps from one point to another thanks to an extendable membrane that connects the limbs. It is just 32 centimeters large including the tail for a total weight of 135 grams. Males are generally larger than females. It is characterized by a triangular head on which two large eyes particularly suitable for night vision stand out. The ears are small and hairless and the males have a 'star', that is, a hairless area on the head where the sebaceous gland is located. The body is slender and agile covered by a brown coat on the back and beige on the belly with a darker line running along the dorsal to the tail. The tail is very long and straight and serves as a rudder when gliding from branch to branch to move. This small marsupial is omnivorous, but mainly feeds on fruit and insects, including crickets and locusts. Females are also distinguished from males by the presence of the pouch on the belly where she keeps the puppies. These are crepuscular animals, especially active at night when they come out of the den in search of food. They spend most of their day in the trees where they also dig burrows inside the trunks which they then cover with dry leaves and twigs. In nature they tend to form small family groups made up of at least seven adults and the offspring that remain with the parents up to two years of life. Within each group there is a dominant male who is usually the largest and strongest. They recognize each other through the smells that are different for each family and communicate with each other through vocalizations.
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The hamster is a small rodent from Russia. Its natural habitat is represented by sandy deserts.
The Java squirrel (Callosciurus Notatus) is an extremely adaptable squirrel.
The dwarf bunny is the most tender and the most pampered breed ever. It is a bunny that is very suitable for children.
Various colors available.
The African hedgehog is a small exotic animal that we can host in our homes if we respect its needs.
The guinea pig is a pet that needs a lot of care and companionship.
Various colors available.
The Russian hamster is a hamster who is used to living in cold environments and protects himself from the cold with thick fur.
The chinchilla is a rodent from the Andes. Its habitat is in the mountains from 3000 to 5000 m.
Various colors available.
Domestic ferret, scientific name: Mustela putorius furo. What does it mean? “Stinking thief”.
Thief, because he hides the food, smelly because, if not sterilized, as we will see later,
it just gives off a bad smell. Yet the domestic ferret is a very coveted animal and,
used for centuries to be with us humans, so much so that it hardly survives in nature.
The golden hamster is one of the most circulating species and also the largest. Among all pets and one of the most cuddly and friendly
Domestic ferret, scientific name: Mustela putorius furo. What does it mean? “Stinking thief”.
Thief, because he hides the food, smelly because, if not sterilized, as we will see later,
it just gives off a bad smell. Yet the domestic ferret is a very coveted animal and,
used for centuries to be with us humans, so much so that it hardly survives in nature.
The ram dwarf bunny is the most tender and pampered breed ever. It is a bunny that is very suitable for children.
Various colors available.
The long-haired guinea pig is a pet that needs a lot of care and companionship.
Various colors available.